Case ref

City or Parish


Date Received

Nature of Complaint

Status / updates




York residents


The complainants allege that the behaviour of the 3 Councillor’s is not in line with the code. Multiple examples of these allegations over a period of time have been provided by all complainants.

This complaint falls under paragraph 5 of the complaints handling process. It will therefore be referred to a JSC Sub Committee for assessment.


Views of the IP sought.


Assessment Sub Committee arranged for 30th January 2024.


The Assessment Sub Committee assessed the complaint and recommended to progress to investigation. Parties notified.


An investigation has been completed and a draft report has been prepared. This will be shared with the parties and IP in accordance with the case handling procedure before a Sub Committee is asked to determine the outcome.






The complainant alleges the Councillors breached the code of conduct at a Council meeting, in that they brought their Councils into disrepute, failed to respect a fellow Councillor during a meeting, failed to declare an interest in procedures, attempted to make false minutes and made false statements during the meeting.


This complaint is currently being assessed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer as part of a series of complaints at the Council.


Views of the IP sought.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer assessed the complaint and recommended to progress to investigation. Parties notified.
















The complainant alleges the Councillor breached the code of conduct by not treating others with respect, bullying others and breaching confidentiality in a public meeting.


The complainant alleges the Councillor has repeatedly breached numerous elements of the code of conduct. Extensive evidence has been provided.

This complaint is currently being assessed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer as part of a series of complaints at the Town Council.


Views of the IP sought.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer assessed the complaint and recommended to progress to investigation. Parties notified.




Member of the public


The complainant alleges the Councillor breached the code of conduct by using offensive language in an email.

This complaint is currently being assessed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer.


Views of the IP sought.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer assessed the complaint and recommended to progress to investigation. Parties notified.


2024/14 (FH)


Member of the public


The complainant alleges the Councillor’s behaviour towards them over an extended period of time has breached paragraphs 1 & 2 of the code of conduct.


This complaint is currently being assessed by the Deputy Monitoring Officer.


Views of the IP sought.

